Sunbrella Cushions for the Patio as well as the Four Seasons Room

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Sunbrella Cushions for the Patio as well as the Four Seasons Room

Sunbrella cushions are made from Sunbrella fabric. It’s the name that you hear when talking about quality cushions. Sunbrella fabrics are the top quality for any application. The reason why the high-end quality is so high is due to the fact that the Sunbrella fabric is high-end synthetic fabric that can hold all the indoor and outdoor characteristics you could imagine or require in the upholstery fabric.

About Glen Raven & Sunbrella

Glen Raven is the mother company of Sunbrella. Sunbrella began its acrylic fabric line into the awning market in the year 1961. Later, they introduced it to the casual furniture market during the 1980s. Since the time, it has evolved to become one of the most sought-after fabric lines that is used to make cushions for casual furniture.

Sunbrella as the Standard

Sunbrella cushions and Sunbrella pillows are a common feature in informal furniture. Most manufacturers incorporate Sunbrella cushions into their initial purchases. The expansion of the market has been phenomenal because manufacturers and customers have recognized the value in buying high-quality cushions or pillows constructed from Sunbrella fabric.

As a premium product, many cushion makers provide replacement cushions made of Sunbrella fabric. The reasons are many. For more details on why Sunbrella Fabric cushions are a great choice, check out our article on the Top 10 Benefits of Buying Sunbrella Fabric Cushions.


Sunbrella fabrics come with a great selection of colorful solids, stripes, and patterns. Geometric designs and other patterns are also available but not in the same way of the patterns available in indoor or all-weather fabrics. When Sunbrella fabric are made they are dyed into the yarn prior to it is woven, they are not printed on fabrics using inks, like spun polyesters or cotton fabric. For a pattern to be created, it has to first be woven into fabric. There are fewer designs and floral prints to choose from since it is simpler and less expensive to print a fabric than to weave it.

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Use indoors or outdoors

The upholstery fabric yarn from Sunbrella is made to withstand the elements. However, it’s also soft and appropriate for indoor cushions.

When you shop for indoor fabric cushions look for the same qualities Sunbrella has in their indoor fabric. It’s more than just softness. Sunbrella provides excellent wearability, stain resistance and the ability to select colors.

Sunbrella cushion can be utilized outdoors, but they can also be utilized indoors. Sunbrella fabric cushions are used by the majority of top manufacturers of casual furniture. It is also possible to replace your worn out sofa cushions with Sunbrella-made cushions.

Cleaning and Caring

Sunbrella fabric is a reliable choice for furniture that you can use outside. It’s robust and can be utilized in any outdoor space such as your porch or backyard. It can be placed on your furniture without being covered and it will retain its nice as new appearance for many years. However, it will get dirty and will have to be cleaned. However, typically, the use of mild soap, water and a rinse suffice. More impressive is if something is causing an odour to Sunbrella fabric It can be removed by following Sunbrella’s recommended cleaning method.